Orcas Island 2014 – Around the Island

  • DSC_0262
    Bench time!
  • DSC_0266
    Church in East Sound.
  • DSC_0267
    East Sound
  • DSC_0268
    East Sound
  • DSC_0270
    Don't kill grandpa!
  • DSC_0272
    There we go.
  • DSC_0273
    Dinner at "pizza".
  • DSC_0274
    Sitting down to eat, outside.
  • DSC_0276
    Interesting meal.
  • IMG_0374
    Piano in the play room in Moran Mansion Museum.
  • IMG_0375
    Upper balcony.
  • IMG_0376
    Old Moran ship yards model.
  • IMG_0377
    Mason & Sydney in a museum?
  • IMG_0379
    A model of the USS Nebraska.
  • IMG_0382
    Check out them hinges!
  • IMG_0383
    Old cameras.

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